Electronic Cigarette is a small device that looks like regular cigarette. Their operation involves the vaporization of the liquid nicotine. Thus they are free of tarry substances and health friendly.
E-cigarettes can be used literally everywhere, including the public places. The smoke that is exhaled by e-smokers is an odorless water vapor.
Moreover, e-cigarettes taste like real cigarettes. However, as opposed to regular cigarettes, e-cigarettes offer a wide range of aromas. E-cigarette refills differ in flavor. It may correspond to flavor typical of popular traditional cigarette brands or comprise a unique taste.
1.Save Money
Smoking e-cigarettes is cheap. The refilling of one cartridge with the nicotine liquid costs $0.50. One bottle of e-liquid is equivalent of a whole pack of cigarettes. Calculate on your own how much money you can save by switching to e-smoking.
2.Protect Health
E-cigarettes contain no tarry substances. "The smoke" an e-smoker inhales is an aromatic water vapor that contains nicotine. By switching to e-smoking, you can protect yourself and others from carcinogenic action by tobacco smoke constituents.
3.Feel Freshness
After switching to e-smoking, you can forget about the unpleasant cigarette odor on clothing. You will be able to get rid of bad breath, too. Enjoy the freshness of your smoke-free breath and clothes.
4.Feel Freedom
In most countries, e-cigarettes are allowed to be used in public places (for example:offices, restaurants, public transport, and planes).
5.Save Your Lungs
Switch to a Vapor Cig and start breathing again! Give your body a chance. When your lungs are not constantly being coated in tar, your respiratory function can start to recover. If you run or work out, you'll get less winded. The best part is you don't have to give up smoking; you just need to be willing to try something new.
6.No Messy Ashes or Burns
Tired of looking at a filthy ashtray? How about burning holes in upholstery? With an ecig you don't need to worry about ashing somewhere, especially in your car. No flame means you can stop worrying about ruining your car seats.